
Silk Yarn Production Process

Raw materials

The main materials are silk fiber, Spools, cops, reels and cons.

Production Process

Hatching of eggs

Sericulture, or the raising of silkworms, involves the incubation of the tiny eggs of the silk worm moth until they hatch and becomes worms. After hatching, the worms are placed under a layer of gauze, on which is spread a layer of finely chopped mulberry leaves. For six weeks, the worms eat almost continuously. At the end of this period, they are ready to spin their cocoons, and branches of trees or shrubs are placed in their rearing houses.

Silk Production

The worms climb these branches and make their cocoons in one continuous thread, taking about eight days for the process. The amount of usable silk in each cocoon is small, and about 5500 silk worms are required to produce 1 Kg (2.2lb) of raw silk. The silk fiber is obtained from the cocoons by a delicate process known as reeling, or filature. The cocoons are first heated in boiling water to dissolve the gummy substance that holds the cocoon filament in place. After this heating, the filaments from four to eight cocoons are joined and twisted and are then combined with a number of other similarly twisted filaments to make a thread that is wound on a reel.

When each cocoon is unwound, it is replaced with another cocoon. The resulting thread, called raw silk, consist usually 48 individual silk fibers. The thread is continuous and, unlike the threads spun from other natural fibers such as cotton and wool, is made up of extremely long fibers. Along with cocoons damaged by emerging worms used for breeding stock, the filaments from the coarse outer portion of the cocoon, which is removed by brushing before reeling, and the inner portion of the cocoon, which remains after reeling the raw silk, are mixed to produce a low grade of silk staple that is spun into yarn.

The next step in the processing of silk is the twisting of one or more threads of the raw silk into a strand sufficiently strong for weaving or knitting. This procedure is called throwing. Four different types of silk threads may thus be produced: organize, crepe, tram and thrown singles. In general, organize thread is used for the warp threads of materials, and tram threads for the weft, or filling. Crepe thread is employed in the weaving of characteristic crinkly fabrics, and single thread is used for sheer fabrics. The technological process has no any adverse environmental impact.


  1. Ring spinning frame
  2. Twisting Machine
  3. Intersecting gill box
  4. Robbins Machines
  5. Cheese Winder
  6. Double Rolling Machine
  7. Carding Machine
  8. Hand Binding Press

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