
Soft drinks production process flow chart

The major raw materials required for production of carbonated beverage are sugar, concentrates, carbon dioxide and water.

coca cola and soft drinks making process flow diagram

Sugar is delivered either in hopper cars with pneumatic discharge or in bags. For reasons of micro-biological stabilization, the sugar syrup is produced in a hot dissolving process. The sugar is admixed by

means of conveying elevators. In case the sugar is dirty or slightly brown, the application of active carbon is indispensable. For heating purposes and for maintaining a constant dissolving temperature of 85oC, the sugar dissolving tanks have either a heating jacket or are equipped with an interior heating spiral.

Exact weighing is essential in this process. It is done by a pressure gauge with a large-scale reading instrument. The entire dissolving process takes about one hour. After that the mixture is filtered, cooled by the plate cooler, and from there the product flows directly into the mixing and storing vessels. The raw materials and essences are stored in a cool-room at approx. 4oC. They are either pumped into the concentrate preparing vessel by a barrel pump or they are manually added. Citric acid is dissolved in a separate vessel. In order to obtain homogeneous final syrup, the mixture should be stirred for another15 minutes in the mixing vessel. During this time the measuring of Brix content should be done that correction can be made, if necessary. Then the syrup is transported to the pre-mixer by means of a pump. There the beverage is de-aerated, dosed, cooled and carbonated. In a vacuum tank the treated water is de-aerated and cooled down in a multiple stage plate cooler to approximately 8oC in a first step, and then conveyed to the jet apparatus, where, according to the Venturi-principle, syrup and water are mixed.

In the carbonating department Carbon dioxide is added to the mixed drink by means of a jetting apparatus, and thereafter the product is conveyed to the storage tank. From this tank a discharge is made out for further cooling in the second stage of the plate cooler at approximately 3oC- 4oC. Without mechanical help the product is conveyed to the filling machine. The filling and sealing unit works according to the single-chamber counter-pressure principle and guarantees a quality-preserving bottling of drinks with highest microbiological security. 

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