
Rice flour production process

Cleaning: - removes foreign objects, such as hey, straw, stone, tree stump, and snail shell, from the paddy and prevents dust from getting mixed in the whitened rice for the enhancement of the value of rice flour as well as to prevent malfunctioning of the following process due to the mixing of dust.

Husking: - rubs excessive husks off cleaned paddy. In the husking chamber, two rubbers rollers with different speeds are installed. The rubber rollers here make it possible to obtain husked rice with its bran layer intact, which prevents oxidation of husked rice during
transportation or export. Once removed, brown rice is separated from the husks through the ventilation process.

Paddy Separator: separates some unhusked paddy from brown rice by applying a difference in gravitational pull and surface friction. The unhusked paddy, then, re-enters the husking process.

Milling: in the milling process, several roller type of milling machines are employed successively separate and reduce rice into smaller and smaller particle sizes by gradual process. That is the gradual milling system is adopted for milling. This system consists of the breaking, scalping and grinding, purification, reduction and dressing process. 
The technology used to produce rice flour has no any negative environmental impact. 

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