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Paper tubes, spools and drums making process

Paper tubes or cones, spools and drums are widely used as packages, shipping containers and component parts. These products are commonly used in the textile factories for winding threads and yarns as well as to form rolls of woven cloth or fabric (which in the later case the paper tubes are usually called bobbins). Also paper tubes are needed in plastic factories that produce poly films, sheets and woven fabrics. Paper factories as well require paper tubes for winding products such as toilet tissues and related items.

Kraft paper reel is unwounded and punched out into fan shape for paper cones and rectangular shape for paper tubes. After beveling and

Rubber threads and chords making process

Rubber threads and chords are primarily used to manufacture various types of elastic tapes mainly for foundation garments like briefs, trunks and panties. They are also used in elastic types for shorts, skirts, sportswear, sock tops, shoe uppers, head bands and wrist bands for sportsmen and travel goods.

The raw and auxiliary materials of the project are natural rubber latex (60%), potassium oleate,

shawl, veil and mantilla making

A shawl is a simple item of clothing, loosely worn over the shoulders, upper body and arms, sometimes also over the head. It is usually a rectangular or square piece of cloth, often folded to make a triangle, but can also be triangular in shape at the beginning. Other shapes include oblong shawls.

Shawls are used in order to keep warm, to complement a costume, and for symbolic reasons. Today, shawls are worn for added warmth (and fashion) at outdoor or indoor evening affairs where the temperature is warm enough for men in wool suits but for women are dresses and where a jacket might be inappropriate.

A veil is

Cotton and synthetic knitted hose: Production Process

The major raw materials used in the production of cotton and synthetic hose are synthetic and cotton yarn .

The yarn (cotton and synthetic) is purchased directly from the market and wound up on reels in the form of warping beam by winding machine. Then it is placed on a circular knitting machine and the fabric is knitted. |It is then drawn up wards, the wound on a roller. The hoses are finally coiled/spooled by coiling machine, in standard lengths and packed up and dispatch. The only waste of the process is rags which can be used for the production of pillows and mattress as a result the process is environmentally friendly.

Some equipment: a circular loom for weaving hoses Winding machine Coiling machine

Purified water production process with flow chart

Purified water production process with flow chartFlow diagram of purified water bottling
The source of raw water is ground water. The major auxiliary materials are polyethylene terephtalate (PET) bottles with pilfer proof caps, labels, polypropylene rolls and different chemicals required to sanitation, disinfection and other purposes. Some of them are; Polypropylene for wrapping bottles, Caustic Soda,

Leather manufacturing process technology with flow sheets

The manufacture of leather follows the same general steps for a great variety of leathers (figure below). The largest category of hides tanned is cattle hides . Of the cattle hides chrome tanning of unhaired hides is by far the dominant system used throughout the world. The tanning of other types of hides and skins requires variations in the systems used for cattle hides.

Fig: Process flow diagram for the production of chrome-tanned cattle hides leather
leather processing technology steps

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