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Particle board making process description

Particle boards are substitute of solid and ply wood. Due to the growing deforestation, the natural wood is becoming more and more scarce. This calls for development of an alternative material such as Particle Board. It is made from eucalyptus tree, wood chips, saw dust etc and bonded by resins.  

Raw materials

The basic raw materials in the production of particle board are eucalyptus tree, waste woods, wood chips, saw dust, phenol Formaldehyde/Urea, Formaldehyde resins, veneers and sunmica coverings. Moreover,
wood chips and saw dusts can be acquired from saw mills.  

Production process description

The salient and distinctive features of the production process are stated herein. In the first stage, eucalyptus tree, waste woods etc are crushed in the disintegrator up to complete powder stage. This powder is further mixed with phenol formaldehyde/urea formaldehyde resins in mixing drum. This mixture of resin and powder is spread over the die formats of required sizes and thickness. This spread is hot pressed by hydraulic press machine so that the particle boards are formed. The edges are formed by trimming machine. Some of the particle boards are coated by veneers or sunmica as per the requirements to give it a better surface glass.

Particle board making process animation video
Alternative technology of particle board making

The alternative technological option employs an extrusion process. In the manufacture of extruded particle board, it is common to include plastic (typically scrap plastic) in the blend of starting material. This process is most useful for the production of long lengths of material such as floor boards and planking.

However, due to the relatively large proportion of plastic contained in the material (typically approximately 50%), the properties of the final material are rather like those of a plastic filled with an additive rather than those of a particle board.

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